Charles S Bryant

USDOT: 3276668
MC: 1035317

Last Information Update: 02/07/2023
Feedbacks Inspections

Contact Information

Address: 1741 RAYSAL HOLLOW RD, Raysal, West Virginia, 24879

Phone: (304) 967-7712

Charles S Bryant Authorizations

Operating Status: Not Authorized

Carrier Operation: Intrastate Non-Hazmat

FMCSA Carrier Authority Information for Charles S Bryant

Total Units(Trucks): 1

Total Drivers: 1

FMCSA State office with oversight for this carrier: WV

DUNS Number:

State Carrier Id:

Out of Service Date: None

Date when carrier information was added to MCMIS Database System: 22-APR-19

Carrier's Doing-Business-As name: Bryant Boys Trucking

MCS-150 Mileage Year:

MCS-150 Date: 04/22/2019

MCS-150 Mileage:

Carrier is subject to placardable Hazardous material threshold: No

Carrier is subject to passenger carrier Threshold: No

Safety Measurement System Data for Charles S Bryant

Insp Inspections OOS Out of Service OOS %
Vehicle 3 0 %
Driver 3 0 %
Measure Insp Inspections Critical Violations
Unsafe Driving No
HOS Compliance Hours-of-Service Compliance No
Vehicle Maintenance 7.66 3 No
Controlled Substances and Alcohol No
Driver Fitness No

Charles S Bryant Feedback

A trucking company profile page is an online source of information for potential customers, partners, and investors looking to research a specific trucking company. The following elements can be included in a comprehensive trucking company profile page:

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Disclaimer: provides information about companies exclusively from official public sources and we do not guarantee that Charles S Bryant usdot 3276668 is an actual trucking company or carrier. does not modify, edit or remove information about companies. The source of all this information is from the DOT / FMCSA. If you notice that this information is not updated or inaccurate, please contact DOT directly and make a formal request to change the information. Thanks for your understanding.
