Ridgeview Farms INC

USDOT: 950882

Last Information Update: 02/07/2023

Contact Information

Address: 2998 E DURNBAUGH RD, Largo, Indiana, 46941

Phone: (219) 782-2456

Ridgeview Farms INC Authorizations

Operating Status: Active

Carrier Operation: Intrastate Non-Hazmat

FMCSA Carrier Authority Information for Ridgeview Farms INC

Total Units(Trucks): 1

Total Drivers: 1

FMCSA State office with oversight for this carrier: IN

DUNS Number:

State Carrier Id:

Out of Service Date: None

Date when carrier information was added to MCMIS Database System: 30-APR-01

Carrier's Doing-Business-As name:

MCS-150 Mileage Year:

MCS-150 Date: 03/28/2001

MCS-150 Mileage: 10,344

Carrier is subject to placardable Hazardous material threshold: No

Carrier is subject to passenger carrier Threshold: No

Safety Measurement System Data for Ridgeview Farms INC

Insp Inspections OOS Out of Service OOS %
Vehicle 0 %
Driver 0 %
Measure Insp Inspections Critical Violations
Unsafe Driving No
HOS Compliance Hours-of-Service Compliance No
Vehicle Maintenance No
Controlled Substances and Alcohol No
Driver Fitness No

Ridgeview Farms INC Feedback

A trucking company profile page is an online source of information for potential customers, partners, and investors looking to research a specific trucking company. The following elements can be included in a comprehensive trucking company profile page:

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Truckhelp.me provides information about companies exclusively from official public sources and we do not guarantee that Ridgeview Farms INC usdot 950882 is an actual trucking company or carrier. Truckhelp.me does not modify, edit or remove information about companies. The source of all this information is from the DOT / FMCSA. If you notice that this information is not updated or inaccurate, please contact DOT directly and make a formal request to change the information. Thanks for your understanding.
